It's been a testing winter so far, with numerous storms, high winds and flooding affecting many parts of the United Kingdom.
Keeping your home and business premises safe and secure is a challenge – simply knowing where to start is daunting enough! And the items to check aren't always as obvious as some might think...
Here are 9 items to check throughout the winter, so that you can catch any issues or faults early enough to rectify them before they become dangerous and potentially even more costly to repair.
1. Boiler check and maintenance – at the heart of your premises's hot water and heating, your boiler is truly your number one priority. Ensure you check temperatures and consistency, and that your boiler is serviced regularly according to its schedule.
2. Smoke alarms – you should be testing these throughout the year, ensuring that power sources including batteries are fresh, and that the alarm is working as it should.
3. Storm survival kit – if your area is heavily affected by storms, power outtages, blocked roads, flooding and other weather-related events, you may be trapped inside your home for days. Store a survival kit in an easily-accessible place, and make sure it includes extra blankets, water, non-perishable food, battery-bank chargers for your mobile, torches and spare batteries and a basic medical aid kit.
4. Check your windows for seals – maintaining an even temperature and preventing condensation not only keeps you comfortable when it's close to or below freezing outside, but will also save on your energy bill.
5. Gutters and gulleys – one of the biggest problems building owners face is blocked gutters and gulleys, which once overflowing can damage roofs, flood ground-level floors and cause havoc. Keeping them clear and inspecting them regularly, especially after strong winds, will help prevent these issues.
6. Make regular use of a dehumidifier – keep your home or business damp-free by extracting excess moisture using a dehumidifier. This will not only prevent mold and other damp-related issues, but keep you and your family or staff healthier.
7. Check steps and handrails – pathways that are in a poor state of repair, or stairways with unsecured handrails can present a significant risk when the weather is wet, or temperatures approach freezing. Check for loose tiles and fixings and ensure everything is level, secure and complete.
8. Check your outdoor lighting – poorly-lit areas on dark, cold and wet evenings add risk to an already potentially dangerous situation. Ensure you light your entrances, pathways etc. well, and that all bulbs are functional.
9. Stock up on grit salt – help to keep your driveways and pathways safe to walk and drive on by keeping a good stock of grit salt close at hand, and spreading it often.
For maintenance guidance and advice, contact Burwell Maintenance today on 01603 861 848 or